Рэпер и актер Machine Gun Kelly сделал предложение Меган Фокс. Видеороликом на своей странице в Instagram поделилась сама актриса.

«Каким-то образом полтора года спустя, пройдя вместе через ад и посмеявшись вместе больше, чем я когда-либо могла себе представить, он попросил меня выйти за него замуж. <...> И точно так же, как в каждой жизни до этой, и как в каждой жизни, которая последует за ней, я сказала «да», — написала Фокс.

В октябре Фокс смогла достигнуть соглашения о разводе с Брайаном Остином Грином. Актриса подала на развод с актером Грином в ноябре 2020 года. У пары отсутствовал брачный контракт, в связи с чем бывшие супруги обязаны были поделить все, что нажито за 10 лет брака. При этом у Фокс и Грина трое общих детей. Оба родителя после расторжения брака смогут осуществлять опеку.

Источник: газета.ру

The moment: The 35-year-old actress made the announcement on Wednesday by sharing a video of their intimate proposal with her Instagram following, citing that it took place on Tuesday, January 11
Pure shock: The footage shows Kelly getting down on one knee in a location special to the couple as Fox stood in shock with her hands over her mouth
Pure shock: The footage shows Kelly getting down on one knee in a location special to the couple as Fox stood in shock with her hands over her mouth
Gothic flair: Fox noted in her post's lengthy caption that she and the 31-year-old musician 'drank each other's blood' after she'd accepted his proposal

Yes! She, eventually, dropped to her knees and allowed MGK, born Colson Baker, to place the engagement ring on her finger
Special location: 'In July of 2020 we sat under this banyan tree. We asked for magic. We were oblivious to the pain we would face together in such a short, frenetic period of time,' began Megan, who first became romantically linked to MGK in May of 2020
Sealing the deal: The lovebirds then wrapped their arms around one another and shared a kiss
Sealing the deal: The lovebirds then wrapped their arms around one another and shared a kiss


'Somehow a year and a half later, having walked through hell together, and having laughed more than I ever imagined possible, he asked me to marry him,' wrote Fox
Side-by-side: 'i know tradition is one ring, but i designed it with Stephen Webster to be two: the emerald (her birth stone) and the diamond (my birth stone) set on two magnetic bands of thorns that draw together as two halves of the same soul forming the obscure heart that is our love,' Machine Gun Kelly explained of the ring
Thoughtful: He'd also noted that he proposed 'beneath the same branches we fell in love under' and he had 'brought her back to ask her to marry me'
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Machine Gun Kelly сделал предложение Меган Фокс

10:16, 13 января 2022

Автор: Alinitsa

Комменты 267


Разведенка с тремя детьми, да кто ее замуж возьмет *сарказм*


Кольцо отпад!


буквально недавно тут обсуждали диагнозы по фото каким уставшим он с ней выглядит )))



красивое кольцо
