Nicole Richie is spotted leaving Andy Lecompte Salon in West Hollywood

Jason Statham is seen cruising around town in his Aston Martin DBS Volante

Kate Hudson arrives back in London with proud parents Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell amid pregnancy news

Keira Knightley is spotted leaving the Comedy Theatre through the stage door

Alessandra Ambrosio Out Shopping In Beverly Hills

Adam Lambert Out Shopping At Tony 'K' On Melrose

Nicollette Sheridan shows off her injured finger as she leaves Boa steakhouse in West Hollywood

Paulina Rubio Eating And Shopping In West Hollywood

Eva Longoria flashes a quick smile whilst on the set of Desperate Housewives

Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied Leave Turks & Frogs

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18:04, 29 января 2011

Автор: maryteddy

Комменты 30


обожаю Ламберта) голос у него потрясный


У Ламберта сегодня День рождения. :))


Keira Knightley is spotted leaving the Comedy Theatre through the stage door объясните мне,пж, почему в этом предл стоит is перед spotted ?!


Адам Ламберт похож на Чапмена, убийцу Леннона О__О


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